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Tips & Tricks For Treating Flu and Cold

Flu (Influenza) and cold (common cold) diseases can infect people quickly and suddenly. This often happens when the immune system down, lack of sleep, irregular eating hours, the consumption of less nutritious foods, and inadequate water consumption.

This is tips and tricks for treating uncomfortable diseases:

Many people are too busy working or doing other activities so forget the time to rest and stay up every night even though the next morning must keep working. But when the body got the flu and experienced symptoms of sore throat, fever and colds - then one powerful way to treat the flu is to take a long rest (sleep) so as not to get worse and quickly healed. If possible ask permission not to go to work or school, but if you can not then avoid exhausting activities and make the body relaxed as possible in order to reduce the pain caused by the flu.


The easy way to treat flu & cold but is often considered trivial this actually has a really effective efficacy. By drinking a lot of water then the body has ammunition to fight some of the symptoms of severe flu such as sore throat, headache, fever (hot cold) or nasal congestion. But if the throat hurt when drinking a lot of water, try akali by adding a mixture of lime juice (can also be replaced with a lemon also functions to relieve nasal congestion and relieve stomach bloating).


Do you feel disturbed by phlegm in the throat? How to cure it can gargle salt water so as not too sick. Salt water is very effective against phlegm because it is able to attract excess fluid from inflamed tissue in the throat. Another function is to thin the mucus, eliminating irritants such as allergens, bacteria, and fungus from the throat. So gargles use water + a tablespoon of salt in a medium-sized glass for a few seconds.


The traditional way to recover the flu quickly that recommends someone to eat chicken soup is not just a myth. The efficacy of eating chicken soup is to make the feeling of being comfortable and prevent the spread of neutrophils into the respiratory tract. (Neutrophils are white blood cells that can cause fever inflammation). Another benefit of chicken soup is inhibiting the production of mucus, warming around the nasal cavity which can reduce symptoms of cold and flu, relieve the nose during breathing and warm body temperature.


Having a sore throat, hoarseness and missing when the flu? Take a glass of hot water and insert lemon slices and two tablespoons of honey then drink while hot. 
Tips to prevent colds and colds coming back is always enough rest, eat regularly, get enough sleep, and drink enough water. In addition, to boost your immune system you can also take supplements such as iron and vitamin C.
Indonesian Blogger #MSF


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